Average movies entertain us. The best ones inspire us. So what can movies tell us about our own lives? Plenty! Grab some popcorn and find a seat—At the Movies premieres this summer, only at City Hope Church for a limited time!

What is At The Movies?
At the Movies is a special month of worship experiences where we will use some of Hollywood’s biggest films to illustrate biblical truths. To sum it up - you get to watch a blockbuster movie at church - for FREE! Don't worry, we will still have great, dynamic worship from our worship team. However, you’ll see some new snacks such as FREE popcorn, and soda before heading in to the auditorium to grab a seat. You’ll enjoy a a movie that has been shortened for both length and content. During the film, you’ll see pastor pop in and out as he shares biblical truths that are both relevant and applicable to the issues we face in our culture today.
July 16th, 23rd, & 30th at 9:00AM & 11:00am
City Hope Church
103 South 13th Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966

What is City Hope Church like?