We are family!
Friends often get to know each other over sharing a meal, so we’d love to have that opportunity with you. Whether you're new around here or if you've been here since the beginning, “Friends & Family Night” is the night for you. If you’d like to get to know more about City Hope Church, meet our pastors, and some of the people who call our church home, join us for this night and a brief tour. It’ll only last about an hour, and by the end, you’ll get a sense of your next step in our community!
Why attend Friends & Family Night?
Hear from our pastors as they share their heart & vision
Discover specific areas that are right for you and your family
Ask questions
Share stories of life change & wins from around the church
Get to know pastors, volunteers, and other newcomers like yourself
What to expect:
As we start, grab some ice cream, and head to one of the tables. Each table has a “coach”—someone who is a part of our church team who facilitates conversation and helps you in any way. We’ll start with a short prayer and play an ice-breaker game. From there, our pastor will share our mission and vision. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at our church and hear our pastors talk about their areas of ministry. To close, we’ll gather to talk about next steps.
The next Friends & Family Night is TBD
No need to sign up,
just show up!